Tuesday, May 08, 2007

What else?

2 weeks back while I was travelling from China to India and I met another Indian on Singapore airport(I had a flight from beijing to bangalore via Singapore).

I will call him X.

X was travelling from US to India. He was with his family and was visting India after 3 years having settled in the US. It made me feel better as I was travelling after mere 5 months.

While we were talking about everything else about my work and his work, he asked me a question. "So what else do you do other than the usual work for your employer?" . I said - I read books. Based on my area of interest he did ask me some of the authors if I have read them and I had not read most of them, which did prove that I was not one of those avid readers who just read and read.

Then he again asked "so what else do you do?" Well I really did not have a good answer, infact I did not have any answer. Since that day I have been thinking what do I really do with most of my time? I think this is a question that all of us should really be thinking once in a quarter and try to retrospect and look back upon the last 3 months and find out if there was something new or great or interesting they did. If they did not, then why? were they so busy? or they really did not want to do anything because they are happy to assume that they have learnt all that they need to know and done all that they could.

I have been thinking the same for quite some time now and havent arrived upon any concrete conclusion of starting on that something new which I could feel great 3 months from now. While I continue to think may be you could try thinking too for yourself.

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